Swimsuit shopping can be enjoyable for some, traumatizing for others and most of us fall somewhere in-between. The experience depends on your emotional, mental and physical state. That said, shopping/styling tips can render this process seamless, and help you feel (and look) like your best self in a space we typically feel vulnerable. Especially those of us with bodies in transition (this includes me). Bikini.com solicited my styling expertise on ways to embrace confidence while being exposed, so while you’re still enjoying the Summer season, or stocking up on swimsuits for holiday’s and Summers to come, head on over to Bikini.com to read my tips. As an added bonus, Bikini.com is offering 15% off for Your Soul Style readers, using promo code BIKINIXSOULSTYLE. Offer is valid until December 31st, 2016. Check it all out over here.