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April 19, 2016

9 months!

jenny greenstein

Vida has been earth side for almost equal time that she was in my belly. Where does the time go, seriously? Her latest milestones include crawling, pulling herself up, basically saying, ‘mama’, waving hi, eating solid food, playing non-stop, following us around the apartment, engaging, connecting – it’s so beautiful to watch. Everyone says what a happy baby she is. And she really is. When I look into her eyes, I know she can really see me now. She looks deeply, and knows who I am to her. The bond and trust is undeniable. It’s a connectedness like none other – sacred, primal and pure. Learning this new motherhood-balance dance is still a work in progress, but I’m getting there, and wiping my sleepy eyes each morning to approach the day with flexibility and an openness that is necessary to sustain positivity on this incredibly wild ride. Vida is constantly changing, but my Type-A personality has adjusted. It feels really good to have accepted that every day brings something new, and I savor each developmental stage, even the hard ones, knowing they are short-lived. I hold on just tight enough to secure our attachment, but with enough room to allow for transitions and growth. Knowing that that each moment is a stepping stone into another one is what keeps me centered. This is how I stay balanced. Thank you mi Vida (Spanish translation: my life) for pushing my boundaries, becoming another mirror for me, pushing me outside my comfort zone, teaching me about my strength and capabilities and stretching me beyond anything I thought possible. Cheers to the best 9 months of my life, baby girl. You are magic. I love you to the moon, but further.