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January 8, 2014

bigger is better!

CLARE VIVIER FINALNo one and I mean no one, loves a clutch bag more than me. I’ve been a collector since the dawn of time and while I used to hunt down vintage styles via the salvation army, consignment shops or my moms closet, I now appreciate new ones too.  My collection is overflowing and I should really do that whole purge thing, but I can’t seem to part with an accessory that may (or may not) have been worn to Studio 54.  This past holiday season, my amazing wife surprised me with this Clare Vivier oversize style.  I love, love, love it, but because of its large shape, I did have the whole, “is it practical?” conversation in my head before deciding to keep it.  You know – that really fun dialogue where your logical side has a full on war with the more adventurous?  You wind up nowhere fast and angry at yourself for not having conviction one way or the other.  We’ve all been there.  I couldn’t stop toggling between keeping this one which was clearly the more fashion and edgy choice or trading it out for the smaller, simple, leather black version that I would obviously use way more!  I admit it took me two separate visits to Steven Alan, hemming and hawing about which one to call my own until finally after much deliberation (and consulting with the sales associate at the store), I decided to stay with the original.  What finally came to light was remembering this post where I declared that this would be the year to take more style risks.  Here’s to 2014!  clare vivier 2