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February 1, 2017

State Bags: Feature

jenny greenstein

Using our voice is critical because it is in our story-telling that we ignite empathy and relatability. If i could inspire even just one person to feel secure in their identity by sharing mine, and create a space to be acknowledged and heard, it has been worth it. I am confident that this is also how we teach and enlighten others who may not have walked the same path. This is how we can change perspectives. This is how we can eliminate the divide. It is the stories that need to be told. I’m super honored to be a part of the STATE Bags#whatdowetellthekids initiative, featuring proud members from the LGBTQ community, as we each from our individual perspectives shed light on the power and dangers of language. Please head over to the STATE Bags website to read and spread the word about this important movement towards combating injustice and discrimination. Believe me, someone needs it and is listening. #spreadthelove